Writeroom reviews
Writeroom reviews

writeroom reviews

Unlike Evernote and NV, you can’t set Simpletext to sync with the web service every x minutes to make sure that your computer copies are up to date.


Timed sync vs manual sync – Here’s the thing about Simpletext: it doesn’t do timed syncs.I would never make huge, drastic changes on both my iPhone and my Mac at around the same time, anyway, so this isn’t much of an issue. It simply applies both changes from both versions of the file in chronological order. Easy conflict – In the rare instance that I make changes to the same note on both my iPhone and Notational Velocity and then try a sync, Simpletext seems to handle conflict resolution quite nicely.Both apps are comprised of a basic list of text files and then an editing mode, and they both sync over-the-air to cloud services that communicate with NV on my Mac.


WriteRoom is a LOT like Simplenote on the iPhone – Here’s another factor that made this experiment very easy to setup: WriteRoom can look almost exactly like the Simplenote app on the iPhone when you skin it.It took all of one minute to make the initial change, and then a couple more to convert all of the notes. They work together so well, in fact, that all I had to do was tell NV to store my notes as individual text files instead of one giant proprietary library file (this is all in Preferences), and then move those files to my local Simpletext folder on my Mac. Notational Velocity (Free Mac app) – WriteRoom syncs very nicely with Notational Velocity through.


Online access – Simpletext is a Mac client that syncs your local “Simpletext” folder with the cloud service, so I still have full web access to all of my notes (and now tasks), although Simplenote has a much prettier interface.All of my notes and thoughts were in the Simplenote iPhone app (which synced over-the-air with NV on my Mac), and the Things clients would sync up when I got home over my local wi-fi network. Things is a task management system comprised of equally gorgeous Mac and iPhone applications. Simplenote is a plain text cloud service with a serviceable web app, a great iPhone app, and a few different native clients for the Mac - with Notational Velocity (NV) being my favourite among them. You will need at least four eyes or a set of contact lenses to survive. Warning: this is some pretty geeky stuff.

writeroom reviews

I won’t know whether I like or hate the differences until I’ve had a few days to work with this new setup, but I have already recorded some thoughts from Day One. I was so excited by this new discovery that I immediately threw all of my Simplenote/Notational Velocity files into and am now trying to use WriteRoom and Taskpaper out as replacements for Simplenote and Things. This means that you can use just one Google App Engine service to sync your notes and tasks if you use WriteRoom and Taskpaper.

writeroom reviews

is a lot like Dropbox, but for small text files.

Writeroom reviews